Robert Szwajkos, a Partner in the Firm’s Commercial Services Section and former Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, bankruptcy trustee and mediator, will be speaking on the interaction of the Bankruptcy Code and Pennsylvania state law at a seminar for attorneys, realtors, property managers, building owners, landlords, leasing agents and developers. For information, see under topic landlord-tenant.
Robert Szwajkos to speak on Bankruptcy Law at the Landlord-Tenant Law Seminar on April 9, 2013 in Allentown, PA.
By Curtin Heefner|2013-03-21T21:57:25-04:00March 21st, 2013|Robert Szwajkos|Comments Off on Robert Szwajkos to speak on Bankruptcy Law at the Landlord-Tenant Law Seminar on April 9, 2013 in Allentown, PA.